Friday, January 4, 2008

Letters To Home - November 28, 1951

Schweinfurt, Germany
November 28, 1951

Our weather is a bit colder, but still nothing to worry about. It's raining quite a bit, but no snow as yet. Did you really have zero weather there? That must be a record; I can't ever remember zero weather in Pennsylvania in November.

I guess we've gone on border patrol for the last time. The rumor has it that all the Russian troops have left our area, have moved North. That's good news in a way, but I will miss the patrol. It was fun to get out to see the country, and we got lots of rest usually.

I heard from Bernie today. He seems to like what he has seen of Germany so far. He's stationed in Munich. I hear that Munich is a good leave town, so will probably get a chance to visit him.

One of the photographers in the outfit is making some pretty nice Christmas cards, so I think I'll buy a few. They are quite a bit different from the usual ones you see.

Nothing much is happening to write about. No more patrol, just keeping the truck and gun looking good. Too rainy to do much drilling. Please write soon.

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